Adult Guardianship

Sometimes disabled adults need as much oversight as minor children.

Person Only

Price Range: $3,000-$5,000

Person + Estate

Price Range: $3,000-$5,000

The prices above gives an approximate range for each service offered. Please note that all fees are based on the complexity of the matter and are subject to change to account for inflation and increases in office overhead.

The unfortunate reality of the world is that the older we get the more we will be reliant on family and friends.

We can help you retain legal guardianship to ensure your loved ones maintain a high quality of life.

You Got The Power!

When you or a family member suffers from disease or sickness, someone within the family will have to make sure all health and personal decisions are taken care of by a trusted individual. Don’t leave those important calls to nurses, doctors, and bankers, make sure immediate attention is covered with a well drafted power of attorney.

This site is for the people, and we care about the needs of the people!

“Lisa is here to help. Make the first step to improve your life by reaching out today.”